Getting to know your professors in college is probably one of the smartest and beneficial things you can do in college. While some professors may seem intimidating or tough, they are usually very welcome to help students directly with questions or concerns they may have. You don't have to become a teacher's pet or their new best friend, but making an effort, such as visiting them during office hours or staying after class, can make a big difference in the ways that professors view you and your dedication to your schoolwork.
Knowing your professors will be beneficial when it is time to apply for jobs or other commitments that may require letters of recommendation. Eventually you will need recommendation letters, whether it is for a graduate program, a job or internship, or the next step in your future. If your professor knows you and the lengths you have gone to get involved in class, ask questions, and ask for extra help, chances are that professor is willing to write a recommendation letter for you. Professors usually also know about job opportunities, internships, or further education programs that they may be willing to recommend you to if they get to know you.
Taking an interest in getting to know your professor and taking the time to ask questions and or extra help can help with your grades as well. Getting together with your professor and making an attempt to learn more about the material covered in class or to ask with help on an assignment shows that you are working hard in that class and that you care about the teacher and assignments. Efforts to have your professor look over your work could be an important factor when it is time to give students their grades.
Getting to know your professor better could help make you more comfortable to speak up in class or initiate classroom discussions, if you have problems doing so. Asking your professors questions will help you learn more about them and how and why they teach the way they do. Getting to know your professor better will also give you more knowledge on the class, which will make it more interesting to you. Additionally, it may help you strive to do better in class because you know the teacher, and you want to do well in their class because you do not want to let him or her down.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
The Importance of Getting to Know Your Professors
Posted by itsez at 8:48 PM
Labels: University of USA
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