Saturday, March 12, 2011

College, the Bright Side of Living at Home

Your student loan fell through, so you can't afford to go off to school and must spend the semester taking distance courses.

You have no idea what university you want to attend so you are taking your basics at a local college.

Your dream school just so happens to be in your hometown.

These are just a few reasons someone might find themselves living at home, while trying to also live life as a college student. There are many good reasons for staying home, but when fighting siblings interrupt your study time and your mom just won't stop calling you to run errands for her, it can seem like a real pain. While you may be jealous of those seemingly independent students with their cute apartments and limitless freedom, being on your own isn't always what it's cracked up to be. If you are a college student living at home, take a moment to look on the bright side.

You don't have to pay rent. Those who live on their own have to pay for it and after application fees, deposits, and the first month's rent, they often realize that they don't have any money left to pursue a social life. When you look at it this way, babysitting your little brother two nights a week seems like a much smaller price to pay. Another perk? You don't have to buy groceries or, even better, cook food. College life can be hectic and there isn't much time to plan meals. Nothing is worse than getting home after a long afternoon lab, hungry and tired, only to realize that you have literally eaten every last thing in your pantry.

You don't have to be alone. It is often said that you don't know what you have 'til it's gone. What about, you don't know how nice it is to live with your family until you move in with roommates who won't come out of their rooms? While this might be a stretch, it is nice to have people around that you know well and can count on. You will mostly likely not be able to convince your roommate to run boring errands with you the same way you are able to do with your little brother. So when it's a Saturday night and all your friends are busy, you just might be relieved by the entertainment your little sister's choir concert will provide.



University of USA | Degree of USA