Sunday, December 04, 2011

Master's Degree in Human Resource Management

Master's degree information

Mandatory: 30 ECTS
Elective: 30 ECTS
Professional internships/research: 24 ECTS (professional programme)/18 ECTS (research programme)
Master's Thesis: 6 ECTS (Professional programme) / 12 ECTS (research programme)

Module I: (Mandatory) Organisational Foundations.1st course. 1st semester
Module II: (Mandatory) Human Resource Functions. 1st course. 1st semester
Modules III and IV: (Elective) Professional programme. 2nd semester
Modules V and VI: (Elective) Research programme. 2nd semester
Module VII: Professional internship/research 2nd course
Module VIII: Master's Thesis 2nd course.

The common and substantive core of the master's degree is structured around two compulsory modules which will enable students to consolidate their basic skills. Following this common training, students can set their own programmes by choosing the optional subjects that suit their interests.

Students must choose a total of 30 credits from the subjects of their choice selected from the optional range. Students can choose subjects from different modules, so they are not obliged to study all the subjects within one module. Students who wish to follow the research programme must choose the subjects corresponding to modules V and VI.

The eminently practical nature of the master's degree is guaranteed with the undertaking of professional internships or research in which students join different organisations with the aim of reinforcing their learning through experiencing and practising
human resource management in a company or institution with which a
collaboration agreement is signed or in research centres for those students who wish to develop a professional career in activities relating to R&D&i either within the university or business environment. To support the professional internships, master's students will have a tutor in the organisation where they carry out the work experience and an academic tutor. The latter will be a member of the programme's teaching staff and will also supervise the master's thesis. Students who wish to continue their training through doctorate programmes which may be linked to this master's degree will have to undertake work experience in research.



University of USA | Degree of USA