Being a college student often means having less money than you'd probably like. While eventually your college education will pay off in helping you land a higher paying or more rewarding job, right now it may be hard to make the financial sacrifices necessary to make it though to graduation. Lucky for students, there are many ways to have fun, relax and beat the stress of student life without spending a fortune. Sometimes all you need is a little creativity, a few bucks and the willingness to enjoy what you have in front of you. Here are some ideas for the college student who wants to feel like they've living a life of luxury without actually spending much of anything.
* Take a luxurious bath. Some inexpensive bubble bath, bath oils and some hot water can turn a humdrum afternoon into a super-relaxing time. Put on some relaxing music, set up some nice lighting and take a long, relaxing bath to de-stress and feel super pampered.
* Give yourself a manicure or pedicure. Whether you're a guy or a girl, tending to your personal care in a way that you normally don't take the time to do can be a cheap and easy way to feel great. If you're not into manicures, consider a fancy shave, face mask or get a massage from a friend.
* Cook a gourmet dinner. Going out to eat at fancy restaurants isn't always in the budget for most college students, but you can make a great meal at home for much less. Find some great recipes online and make yourself, or your friends, a multi-course meal.
* Escape to the beach, at home. With some ingenuity you can turn your apartment into a beach-like getaway without the price tag. Turn on a bright lamp, crank up some wave sounds, and make a fruity drink.
* Go on an affordable shopping spree. You may not be able to shop it up at boutiques and fancy stores, but you can get yourself some new duds at a thrift store.
* Stay in bed all day. Take a day off from life and just stay in bed, watch movies, read a book and do whatever you feel like without feeling obligated to actually get up and do anything.
* Have a glamorous party. You don't have to be an A-lister to have a fancy party. Have friends dress up in their best, cook up some cute snacks and have a few cheap, but fancy drinks.
Living on less doesn't have to mean missing out on the finer things in life. Sometimes a little ingenuity can help you turn the everyday into the luxurious, helping you beat stress and just relax. What could be better than that?
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Affordable Luxuries for Students for Relaxing on the Cheap
Posted by itsez at 8:52 PM
Labels: University of USA
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